Colorado Springs Circle Second Channeling Intensive Session 6 Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Q’uo on the Spiritual Aspects of Safety

Colorado Springs Circle Second Channeling Intensive Session 6 Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Q’uo speaks to the difficult balance between staying safe and embracing catalyst. Where the integrity of the incarnation is concerned, Q’uo tells us, safety is an important baseline. But it is easy to become overprotective of both self and other. Q’uo reminds us that one must decide for oneself how much catalyst can be taken in and processed. They then touch on many other intersecting topics, such as the light touch, martyrdom, boldness, and group harmony.

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 1 Thursday, October 6, 2022

Q’uo on Recognizing Service

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 1 Thursday, October 6, 2022

In this first session from the Other Selves Working Group’s third channeling intensive, those of Q’uo discuss the nature of the service to others path, providing commentary on both the outward forms of service as well as the metaphysical and spiritual foundations of such service. Emphasis is placed on the connection between polarity and the individual self lived as so separate from the Creator. Those of Q’uo introduce a concept of atmospheres or auras surrounding these centers of focus constituting individuality, imputing to these auras many of the less tangible, more universal feelings that accompany individuality. The session ends with a discussion of the role of sacrifice in the expression of selfhood along both paths of polarity.

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 2 Thursday, October 6, 2022

Q’uo on Positive and Negative Greeting

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 2 Thursday, October 6, 2022

In this session, Q’uo gives a detailed account of the elements and issues affecting the dynamics of communication across the veil. This relates both to the intricacies of the inner planes and those of the outer planes, to the extent that either of these locales are implicated in the type of contact that is sought. The nuances of meaning associated with the positive and negative paths are explored, as is the role of time/space in serving as a vehicle for the perpetuation and enhancement of the qualitative characteristics associated with each path.

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 5 Friday, October 7, 2022

Q’uo on Love Healing Disappointment and Resentment

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 5 Friday, October 7, 2022

In this session, Q’uo addresses the problem of the stubborn persistence of certain wounded affects, in this case, those of disappointment and resentment. An attempt is made to uncover the structure of the psyche such that these issues could pose such a great difficulty for those who seek to heal and to become whole. While those of Q’uo do not feel it possible to give a complete answer in the form of a formula for overcoming these wounds, a  few gentle suggestions about how one might address the condition are offered.

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, October 8, 2022

Q’uo on the Dangers of Channeling

Colorado Springs Circle Third Channeling Intensive Session 8 Saturday, October 8, 2022

This evening session features those of Q’uo discussing the pitfalls of channeling with a special focus on channeling instruction. They catalog several ways in which instruments can lose their tuning and protection, and the danger of this recklessness is magnified in teachers. We hold a responsibility to ourselves, to other selves, to students, and to the Creator to be fastidious in our channeling conduct, and this requires care in whom we choose to teach to channel.It is in the daily life that we can do the least exotic and most grounding work in recognizing and promoting that vibration we seek in our service as instruments.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 4 Sunday, January 15, 2023

Monka on Power and Community

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 4 Sunday, January 15, 2023

Monka is an old Confederation entity first appearing in the work of Richard Miller in the 1950s and channeled twice by the L/L Research circle in the 1980s. Responding to questions and concerns around group work in the Other Selves Working Group’s activities, they share their view of the dynamics surrounding the building of community, the exercise of power, and the nature of disputes. The gravity of such work is laid out in light of the arriving fourth density, and those of Monka counsel patience and flexibility in accommodating the sometimes troubling nature of personal relationships. Some commentary is offered towards the end of the session on the operation of archetypal mind at the cosmic level.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 6 Sunday, April 23, 2023

Hatonn on the Wanderer’s Art of Patient Service

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 6 Sunday, April 23, 2023

Hatonn pays a visit to the Richmond Meditation Circle after nearly a year’s absence to provide context on some of the details involved in the wanderer’s emotional service in third density. Because the open heart is such a site of vulnerability, we must accept that heartbreak is not simply a side-effect of serving others but what makes us relatable and recognizable to those we serve. This opens us up to difficult catalyst, and we must discipline our personalities to offer what we cannot balance ourselves back to the Creator. As we hone our faculty of patience, we bring a more cosmic and universal love to bear that allows us to midwife the transition to fourth density on behalf of the Logos. Aspects of polarity related to specific forms of service to the emerging social memory complex also receive some discussion.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 1 Saturday, November 4, 2023

Q’uo on the Will’s Role in Third Density

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 1 Saturday, November 4, 2023

Q’uo here addresses the role of the will in the development of power, polarity, and expression of true character through activation, exploration, and unblocking of the yellow ray energy center. Vibrating more and more in a socially oriented yellow ray manner, one encounters opportunities to form a variety of attitudes towards will’s exercise, both by and upon the self. In the blockages and expressions of self this attitude evinces in having one’s will constrained or empowered through social structures, will achieves ever redoubled focus through the practice of channeling it through structures of social norms and authorities. One either aspires to worthiness to use this power to serve others as a value or to the power to bring other selves under control, learning in the process something about one’s nature otherwise hidden and vital to green ray activation.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 2 Saturday, November 4, 2023

Q’uo on Personality and Subconscious Will

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 2 Saturday, November 4, 2023

Those of Q’uo describe the life of the will as an entity polarizes towards a stronger and more effective energy distribution system otherwise known as a personality. Because will transcends the veil between the conscious and unconscious minds, the very catalyst that challenges us to know ourselves also mobilizes our shadow selves within as blockages are untangled and the power channeled by the personality draws upon the deeper self. This energy can manifest in strange and unwelcome ways, and we are encouraged to mind our thoughts in order to accept ourselves and balance the powers we channel.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 3 Sunday, November 5, 2023

Q’uo on Positive Magical Working

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 3 Sunday, November 5, 2023

In this session those of Q’uo discuss the breadth of concerns and implications resulting from attempts at magical practice on the service-to-others path. With no shortage of cautionary admonitions, several elements of disciplined study and self-inquiry are explicated briefly, including the role of the energy centers, the choice of polarity, the archetypal mind, and the shadow self. The well grounded access of the higher self then plays a pivotal part in the positive adept’s transmutation of the negative energies at work in many conditions we might seek to affect through magical working. However, Q’uo continually remind us that this work demands immense levels of preparation and focus not required for third density polarization, and we can safely effect good through more modest forms of service.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 4 Sunday, November 5, 2023

Q’uo on Resistances in the Exercise of Will

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 4 Sunday, November 5, 2023

This session features those of Q’uo discussing the dynamics of invoking the will, emphasizing intention as a crystallization of desire that gives us a way to relate to that which draws us forward. Along the way we encounter obstacles evincing unrecognized aspects of our desire in our blockages, confusion, and unexamined thoughts, and we wisely avoid the temptation to wrest the self into acceptability by a sheer act of will. Using a lighter, more patient touch will help us delicately work with catalyst on a more manageable basis in order to more gently address our distortions, accept and learn from our missteps, and discipline our conduct as we seek the love in each moment.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 5 Monday, November 6, 2023

Q’uo on Stewardship

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 5 Monday, November 6, 2023

Ever the ones to disclaim authority, Q’uo provides in this session their best effort at articulating the proper balance between respecting free will and exercising power over others on the service-to-others path. They paint an evolutionary portrait of the role of stewardship that incrementally assembles a complex and precarious web of cultural responsibilities, societal norms, psychological repressions, and codical strictures adhering to its rightful exercise, none of which much limits the potential for abuse, distortion, confusion, or unintended side effects. The one saving grace of the positive steward seems to lie in the guidance discovered within, involving a continual reckoning with one’s own blockages and desires that unearths a hard-won humility found in the balancing of the self and the experience of authority enacted both by and upon the self. The goal of all stewardship is to free other selves, achieving the harmony that allows for full expression of mind/body/spirit complexes without need for outer governance; yet a reliable recipe to effect this harmony appears to evade those of Q’uo.

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 9 Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Q’uo on Will, Memory, and Truth

The HARC Circle Fifth Channeling Intensive Session 9 Wednesday, November 8, 2023

In the final session of the fifth intensive, those of Q’uo expand upon the topic of memory from the last session with an emphasis on the existence, nature, and meaning of the “truth.” Here too, will plays a role in the dyadic activity of remembrance, coupling subject to a limited perspective on an event. Given the veil of forgetting, Q’uo endorses no external standard by which veracity can be reliably and objectively teased out from the confusion of siloed and contradictory memories.

The achievement of a planetary social memory complex in fourth density will provide all with common access to all individual memories, and in this event lies the fruition of memory: the possibility of a commonly triangulated and authoritative truth across perspectives and distortions. Until then, one must humbly account for the role one’s confusion, hurt, and limitations under the veil perennially play in the accuracy of one’s recollection and one’s truth.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channelling Practice Session 9 Saturday, January 27, 2024

Oorkas on the Light Touch

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channelling Practice Session 9 Saturday, January 27, 2024

Oorkas is a new contact for Richmond Meditation Circle, clearly related to the “Orcas” that L/L Research channelled some forty years ago. This newly fourth density social memory complex relates very touchingly to our dilemmas of third density veiled service, suggesting that we develop a flexibility and humor towards a very discombobulating illusion. The manner in which Oorkas incorporates the interruptions encountered during this session are a fitting example of this temperament they connect to Ra’s concept of the light touch. Those of Oorkas assure us that the suffering and tragedies of Earth are not for naught, and that the very response those seemingly unfortunate events elicit in us demonstrate the breadth of our potential beyond this density.

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 12 Saturday, May 4, 2024

Laitos on Negotiating the Open Heart

Richmond Meditation Circle Confederation Channeling Practice Session 12 Saturday, May 4, 2024

In their first documented contact with a circle since the Other Selves Working Group’s fourth channeling intensive, those of Laitos bring their warm and delicate vibration to the Richmond circle’s working, focusing on the dynamics of truth and its effective communication in suboptimal situations. They suggest regular work on the lower energy centers of red-, yellow-, and orange-ray plays a key role in not simply activating the all-important green-ray center but also in gradually bringing the higher centers’ working into common life scenarios more and more. 

Viewing the encounter between self and other self through the lens of negotiation, Laitos demonstrates how the premises of bargaining evince each participant’s basic dignity. This presents the seeker an opportunity to lower the stakes of any confrontation by affirmatively modeling vulnerability, thereby giving the other self a polarized choice to freely make. Finally, those of Laitos address follow-up questions stemming from the main topic as well as the subjects of repression within the energy system, setting an example for others, and the sinkhole of indifference on Earth.